Friday 8 April 2011

Plumping Lip Glosses

After browsing the latest MAC collection (Quite Cute) online and watching reviews on the products i had an idea for a review. Many youtubers were commenting on how the new plushglasses were too plumping and were unbearable to wear and at an eye watering £16. Now i don't personally own any of these plushglasses so can't comment personally but i thought i would do a quick run down of the lip plumpers i own.

After rummaging through my stash i found 4 lip plumping glosses. These were:

And here are some swatches:


This product retails for £3.50 from ELF. I like the fact that you get both a primer and a plumper in this product - very handy. As this plumper is part of the studio line it has the usually Nars esque sleek black packaging. The primer section itself is a nice creamy consistency but as i don't tend to wear lipstick i have no need for the primer. The plumping park of the product has a distinct cinnamon smell to it, which could be quite overpowering for some, but if like me you LOVE cinnamon this smells delicious! However this product does sting quite alot but on the plus side it does make my lips look somewhat more full.


This product is by far my favourite! I received this as part of a Christmas gift set so I'm not sure what i originally paid but it retails online for £8.43. This is quite a big chunk of cash but i feel it is SOOO worth it. I love the name of this product with its cheeky play on words and the packaging is modern and retro at the same time. This plumper comes out as a sheer peachy coral pink colour which is extremely flattering. I wish this product smelt more cinammony than it does - but i guess most people would prefer not to have the smell! It also doesn't sting too much but makes my lips look oh so plump and luscious. AMAZING!


I can't find a link for this product online anymore but i do know i purchased it from BOOTS. I would have used one of the £5 skin care vouchers and paid around the £1.50 mark. I don't have much too say about this product only that it really really really stings. I may have a bad one but i really can't stand for this one to be on my lips at all!


I picked this gloss up as a whim from..... wait for it.........POUNDLAND. Yes i paid just £1 for this gloss. Its a very pretty pink colour that slightly plumps the lips. Perfect for daytime looks! However the main thing that i love about this gloss is that it has a cute little mirror on the side for touch ups - so handy when your out and about!

Overall I'd say if on a real tight budget go for the sally Hansen but if you can afford to splash a little more cash go for the soap and glory!

What are your favourite plumping glosses?



Musicalhouses said...

Wow those glosses look great! And yay for poundland - the Sally Hansen gloss was a good buy!

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